It was a long process. I started out by buying him a potty that sings a little song to you, while you are sitting on it. And then if you actaully "tinkle" you hear drum rolls and flashing lights go off and then you get a sticker! Quite elabotate I know, but I thought he would be so excited to use it. No... not so much. He wasn't too impressed. So my second route was to deny him cars. Karson is a little obsessed with cars. Usually when we are shopping at Wal Mart, I will let him pick out one of those $.97 match box cars to add to his collection. Plus it keeps him occupied while I shop. Well, I cut him off and told him he can't get a car until he went potty. That didn't work. For months we would go down the car aisle at the store and he would just say "When I go potty I get a car?" and I'd say "Yep when you go potty, I will get you a car." Brian even told him he would buy him what ever he wanted ...even a new Power Wheel car if he would just go pott!. At this point we were getting real sick of changing butts.
One day Karson came to me and said "Can I go outside and play?" to which I replied "As soon as you go potty, you can go outside." And that is when my life changed. He actually went right upstairs and went potty. I cannot tell you how happy I was. We have not had to change a diaper since then. Yeah! Silly I know. But I can't believe I finally have all my children out of diapers.
As a reward I took Karson to Toys r Us to pick out any toy he wants. He chose a Diego jeep with some animals. Diego is his favorite TV show right now. So now he plays along and rescues animals while he watches the TV show. I'm glad he didn't pick the $300 Power Wheel Car. Whew!
Some I'm coming to the realization that my kids are growing up and I'm getting old. I don't know which one I'm having a harder time accepting.
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