Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Bright Ending to a Long Winter

Last fall I planted 100 tulip bulbs in my flower garden. In anticipation of the first bloom, I would eagerly watch as the first tiny signs of my tulips popping from beneath the cold, frozen earth.
Over spring break we went to California. I was a little sad that I would miss their first blooms. But as we pulled around the corner, here is what greeted us home. They were an absolutely beautiful sight. Now they are coming to the end of their blooming cycle, and the petals have began to drop. But oh they gave me so much joy and I can't wait for
their arrival next spring!


Nate and Liz said...

I love tulips!! What a great welcome home.

Brigitte said...

I noticed your beautiful flowers when I brought Clara out for Karson's party. I just wish tulips lasted longer. They are such a welcomed sight after a loooong winter.